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Код 211996410082623297





Есть в наличии

1 029.35 £

*вкл. НДС 20%

Обновлено 28.06.2024
The Mondex Kaira is a versatile floor stove. It can be installed to stand freely or flush-mounted into the bench without any additional components. Thanks to its special structure, the Kaira does not even leave a hole in the bench when flush-mounted. In this configuration, minimum safety distance to bench structures is only 4 mm!

The rock capacity of the stove is 100 kg.

The smart control electronics adapt to your sauna on first use and learn to maintain correct temperature in the most optimal way. The controls can be installed in the sauna room, in the changing room or even into a light switch socket. The small, low-profile temperature sensor measures the temperature on the bench wall, ensuring just the right temperature every time you use your sauna.

  • The unique structure with detachable three-part fire shield pipes enables the Kaira to be flush-mounted into the benches with no additional components and requiring only 4 mm safety distance to the bench structure.
  • In the flush-mounted configuration, the size of the hole is only 34.3 cm, leaving more space for the benches.
  • Stove height can be adjusted to bench height steplessly.
  • The thermal energy stored by the Kaira dries your sauna after use.
  • The two-part frame of the stove makes replacing the rocks easy.
  • Control unit cable length is 10 metres; temperature sensor cable length is 4 metres.
Технические данные электрической каменки
Название характеристик Данные
Код товара 18902
Мощность, кВт 9,0
Мин - макс. объем парильни, м3 8 - 15
Размеры (ВхШхГ),мм ø 335 / 1130
Масса, кг 30
Максимальный вес камней, (кг) 100
Минимальное расстояние безопасности (потолок / стороны) 770 / 100
Тип электропитания: фазный 400 V 3N~
Предохранитель A 3 x 16
Соединительный кабель, (мм2) 5 x 2,5
Пульт управления Оснащён
Вместимость воды в баке, (л) -
Камни Камни не включены

Камни не включены - камни для печки

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